It was a nice day with small gifts and lots of love. Also, we picked a leaf from my Japanese maple (my Mothers' Day present last year) ...
... and went to the park and BB dropped it in the water for her mother in China. I thought of her a lot this weekend and BB and I spoke of her and China often.
It was a really lovely day.
Recently, she was tricycling with a friend. I'm happy to say that BB is no longer helmet-resistant. After her friend Bo-Bo came over with her trike and helmet, our BB was willing to wear hers (no wheels without helmet is the rule) and go for a roll. She used her new scooter too and is becoming quite the pro. The evening these pictures were taken, she even wore her helmet through dinner. Yeah, baby! No more helmet problems for our BB! Thanks for a little encouragement, Bo-Bo!
Unrelated, but I love dogwoods.